Copyright 2019 - Western Liberty Network - All Rights Reserved / Phone 503.970.1876 - Fax 503.430-5734 / execdir@westernlibertynetwork.org
The Concept of Independent Affiliates
What ARE Independent Affiliates? One of the ways WLN offers training to grass roots activists is through organizations which join WLN as "Independent Affiliates." These affiliates are completely independent of WLN. Neither WLN nor it's affiliates have any authority to make policy, determine leadership, or otherwise control the other. If an Independent Affiliate is already affiliated with other organizations, those affiliations remain in place and do not change.
What do Independent Affiliates have to do? Independent Affiliates agree to make WLN training opportunities available to their rank-and-file membership and delegate two of their members to represent their organization on conference calls (usually monthly) and at an annual training conference. In exchange, WLN offers to provide live training sessions at meetings of the affiliate, makes special on-line training resources available, and offers special seating and pricing to special paid WLN events such as conferences.
How Does An Organization Become an Independent Affiliate? An organization wishing to become an WLN Independent Affiliate needs only to submit a completed "Independent Affiliate Form" signed by an authorized member of that organization. The form is not a contract in the usual sense. It exists only to document and define the relationship between WLN and the affiliate. There is no cost. Just fill it out, sign it, and return it.
An organization becomes a WLN Independent Affiliate when WLN has received, accepted, and acknowledged a completed form and ends when either side decides to terminate it in writing. This form may be downloaded as shown at right or by clicking HERE. It can be filled out, signed, scanned, and emailed to execdir@westernlibertynetwork.org or snail-mailed to Western Liberty Network, 7100 SW Hampton, Suite 201, Tigard, OR 97223.
WLN Independent Affiliates - OREGON
Baker County Americans for Prosperity
Peggy Longwell, Chair, peggie44@wildblue.net
Bend Patriots
Lucy Brackett, Contact, lucyk@reagan.com
Bend TEA Party
John Philo, Chair, acs12001@yahoo.com
Benton County Americans for Prosperity
Ken McCracken, Chair, ken608@comcast.net
BLexit Oregon Chapter
Janira Brannigan, State Director, janira.brannigan@gmail.com
Central Oregon Patriots
Craig Brookhart, Chair, trakorb@yahoo.com
Clackamas County Americans for Freedom and Prosperity
Dale Seale, Chair, starseale@yahoo.com
Columbia County TEA Party
Ingrid Chamberlain, Chair, ingrid.chamberlain@yahoo.com
Coos County Americans for Prosperity
Steve Norlander, Chair, noor10@wildblue.net
Cottage Grove 9-12
Logan Overton, Chair, cg912project1@gmail.com
Douglas County FreedomWorks
Rich Raynor, Chair, runningrich@hotmail.com
Douglas County TEA Party
Faye Fink, Chair, campcook2010@gmail.com
Glen Stutzman, Chair, stutzmg@aol.com
Loma Wharton, Chair, hairpiggie@reagan.com
Lincoln County Americans for Prosperity
Jim Hoover, Chair, jimhoover@charter.net
Milton-Freewater TEA Party Patriots
Larry Nye, Chair, larryenye@msn.com
Northwest TEA Party
Charles Hamerle, Chair, chamerle@charter.net
Oregon 9-12
Carla Pletka, Chair, carla@glorygal912.com
Oregonians for Fair Elections
Janice Dysinger, Chair, janice@dysinger.info
Pendleton TEA Party Patriots
Eli Stephens, Chair, estephens@wtechlink.us
Young Republicans of Oregon
Lauren Kristensen, Contact, l.kristensen.yro@gmail.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: Affiliation of the groups listed above with the Western Liberty Network does not indicate, suggest, or imply that Western Liberty Network is endorsed by their respective parent organizations or that the Western Liberty Network endorses them. Please download and review the Independent Affiliate Agreement using the link shown above.
WLN Independent Affiliates - WASHINGTON
Northwest TEA Party
Charles Hamerle, Chair, chamerle@charter.net
Walla Walla TEA Party Patriots
Charles Hamerle, Chair, chamerle@charter.net
Olympia TEA Party
Ken Morse, Chair, ken76morse@gmail.com
Northwest Grassroots
Cecily Wright and Jon Charleston, Chairs
WLN Independent Affiliates - TEXAS
This is Texas Freedom Force
Robert D. Beverly,Chair, http://www.titff.org
WLN Independent Affiliates - REGIONAL / NATIONAL
Parents' Rights in Education
Suzanne Gallagher, National Director, https://www.parentsrightsined.org/